Why use a professional rather than a friend or neighbor kid?

As professionals, we see more pets in a week than some people see in a lifetime. The special training we have to help in case of an emergency with your pet and experience gives you the peace of mind we’re prepared to handle situations that can happen. We’re doing more than putting food and water down when we visit. We’re noting anything that seems out of the norm for your pets and are ready to use our experience and training should an emergency arise. We also carry insurance in case there is an incident while on our watch. We take special precautions and have policies to minimize incidents and we go over those with you at your consultation. Safety is of utmost importance for all involved.

You don’t have to worry about something else coming up for them and scrambling last minute to make sure your pets are taken care of. No one wants to do that or have the awkward conversation with friends and neighbors if it were to happen. You won’t have to worry about imposing on them.

Why use an in home trainer rather than board and train?

Training is a great way to build a bond and trust with your dog. Every dog is different, working together with the entire family helps to make sure your dog is set up for success in your home. We teach you hands on how to read your dog as it’s learning. This helps you as you expand it’s learning and experiences in life for years to come. We want you celebrating success as a family as you learn with your dog years down the road.

Having training customized to your dog and family needs helps you achieve your goals quicker. Most families want a well mannered dog, but each family defines that differently. We will find out what your family needs and help you read your dog and how it learns best to achieve that. Supporting you step by step as you work daily with your dog, it is setting everyone up for better long term success.

Why do in home training rather than group classes?

Training in your home allows us to help you cover the behaviors and skills you need to focus on. Not every dog needs to learn the same behaviors or learns the same way. Having one on one attention helps you and your dog to get customized and undivided attention and support. Group classes can be great for some situations, but often we hear they didn’t cover normal behaviors like how to help a dog who gets carsick or how to have the new dog not chase the cats.

My pet has unique medical needs. Are you able to give them their medication?

Your pet is in good hands! We are specially trained in administering medications. If there are any unique medical concerns for us to be aware of, please let us know before the initial consultation.

What if the visit(s) I need does not fit into any of the services?

All services can be customized! If your needs do not neatly fit into any of the services, reach out to us and we will discuss what accommodations we can provide to you!

Are you available on holidays and weekends?

Yes! We are available nights, weekends, and holidays! Holidays book quickly so we encourage you to book well in advance.

Will I receive updates on my pets?

Of course! We know you want to stay up-to-date with your pets. After each visit, we’ll send over a visit report straight to your account with pictures and GPS tracking (for walks).

Will we meet prior to beginning services?

Yes, all of our new pet sitting clients must schedule a consultation and pet behavior assessment visit prior to services to be approved. This is a great chance for you to ask any questions that you may have and allows us to gather helpful info about your home and pets for when you’re not there.